Friday, January 27, 2006

Venture Capital Blogs

While reading the NY Times Street Scene this morning, I noted an article titled ‘Venture Capital Blogs? They’re About Anything But.” Following (in my words) are what I learned from this article:

* The venture capital world is one of the most insular of industries.

* Venture capitalists that now blog say they do so because it lets them establish a connection to new opportunities looking for seed capital and the opportunity to make an introduction to an investor or investors.

* Blogs allow venture capitalists to challenge the accuracy of figures, from a basis of personal opinion as venture capitalist blogs are self-censored for the gossip that everyone in the business really wants to know – like how much money everyone makes and the investments they are making and made.

* “There’s zero incentive to tell the truth.”

* Most venture capitalist bloggers put disclaimers on their sites that this counsel is merely an opinion of an individual and not expert advice.


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