Go The Distance
What does ‘Go The Distance’ mean?
To me, it means doing everything you need to do and can do and then waiting until the time is right to proceed to the next level of activity.
In the movie ‘Field of Dreams’ – which I have watched over 24 times – there were four messages for me:
(1) Build IT and They will come.Simply, ‘Go The Distance’ starts with the building process and defining what you are building for those persons that will become your customers; that is, users of what you are building. IT is a process and takes time, energy and dollars to build. By answering questions before they are asked (the essence of (2) above) people will get involved and help you build IT. Sometimes, things happen quicker than anticipated or projected and othertimes not. That is the essence of ‘Go The Distance’ ... waiting for the right time.
(2) Ease Their Pain
(3) Go The Distance
(4) Detachment
Detachment means that even after you build IT, They come, you ‘Go The Distance’, it isn’t yours. You must detach yourself from what you want your customers to do from helping your customers get the most out of what you have built for them.
Going The Distance can be stressful
IT isn’t done until IT is done. That’s the bottom line: We must ‘Go The Distance’ to get to the finish line and that can be stressful because most of the time, there’s nothing more we can do but wait and see.
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