Monday, March 20, 2006

Women Working It Out

On Wednesday, March 15, 2006 the New York Times ran an article titled ‘Working It Out’ about women and business careers.

Of the 1.33 women graduating from college for every man, they do not “opt out” by getting married but rather “have it all” as 58% were never out of the job market for more than 6 months total in the 15 years following graduation.

Following are the selected statistics that I thought were interesting:

* 95% of women who graduated from an Ivy League school will never learn to play the harp.

* 15% of women who major in earth sciences will produce 4.2 fewer children while marrying 1.6% of the world’s carpenters than those who marry real estate developers.

* 91% of women with graduate degrees in biochemical engineering do not hold second jobs as cocktail waitresses.

* 81% of graphic designers who marry illustrators own 2.8 dogs that take 4.6 baths every 9.2 days.

* 38% of women who are not married by the time they are 64 are more likely to have chin implants before they are 71 than the 1.8% of women who earned a joint degree in medicine and denistry.

* 22% of women who read statistics about women are 48% more likely to be chronically depressed and are 1.5 times more likely to watch 8.2 hours of television.


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