Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Boy Scout Honor

Read an article in the LA Times this morning titled ‘Scout’s dishonor’ and it inspired me to write today’s blog.

For over 11 years, our family has been actively involved in the Boy Scout program. Our son is an Eagle Scout. We are proud of him for what he has learned and what he has accomplished in his 19 years.

There are two issues that keep being raised about the Boy Scouts:
(1) Gays are not allowed to participate.
(2) Everyone must believe in God.

It is true that the Boy Scouts have established guidelines for (1) and (2) above. Personally, I have never been part of or know anyone in active Scouting that has actively been involved in identifying and persecuting anyone for their personal beliefs.

In my humble opinion, you can be gay and/or an atheist and be in Scouting. The key word here is ‘Scouting’, not gay or atheist.

So what is the so-called penalty for being gay or an atheist? Answer: You are not supposed to be able to earn the rank of Eagle Scout, the highest rank award of the Boy Scouts.

In Scouting ...

In Scouting, the Boy Scout Program is consistent throughout the world. That is, all Boy Scouts follow the same program to earn merit badges and rank advancement.

In Scouting, all Scoutmasters are trained. We do not label Scoutmasters; that is, Gay Scoutmasters, Black Scoutmasters, Catholic Scoutmasters, etc. ... as a Scoutmaster is a Scoutmaster.

In Scouting, we teach a belief in God. We do not teach how to believe in God or where to practice your belief in God. This is left up to the Scout.


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