Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Benjamin Franklin's 300th Birthday!

Today is the 300th anniversary of Ben Franklin’s birth, one of America’s most famous ideologists. He openly championed the values of the middle class as the most tolerant group in America. He said common sense should triumph and compromise is essential.

He was one of the most extraordinary human beings the world has
ever known. Born into the family of a Boston candle maker, Benjamin
Franklin became the most famous American of his time. He helped
found a new nation and defined the American character. Writer,
inventor, diplomat, businessman, musician, scientist, humorist,
civic leader, international celebrity . . . genius.

In college, I was a member of the Ben Franklin Society, a local fraternity that held the teachings of Ben Franklin as key to living the good life, as all good college students of the late 1960’s and early 1970’s were able to do.

In college, I was a member of the Ben Franklin Society, a local fraternity that held the teachings of Ben Franklin as key to living the good life, as all good college students of the late 1960’s and early 1970’s were able to do.


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