Friday, December 30, 2005

A Functional Bottled Water For Hydration Wellness

In nature, water (H20) molecules form complex patterns by grouping and clumping together into “clusters”. The challenge is that our bodies’ cells are incapable of absorbing these large clusters. To perform the function of cellular hydration our bodies produce electrolytes to break down the large clusters into an absorbable size. In reality our bodies have to work to stay properly hydrated. Because these large H2O clusters do not make the final journey into the cells our bodies eliminate them. Thus many people’s efforts to improve their hydration levels result in what they feel are too many trips to the restroom.

By controlling the size of H2O clusters we can affect the amount of absorption into the bodies’ cells. As we apply energy to water, the large water cluster groups reduce themselves into smaller groups. Thus by introducing energy to water in a controlled environment we can make it more hydrating. As we age the body progressively loses the ability to hydrate the cells effectively. This is evident in the fact that newborns are 85% water by weight whereas elderly people get down to 60% water by weight. This means that as we age the bio-mechanical system inside our bodies is losing its ability to hydrate, and anything that can be done to help the body hydrate will improve the symptoms of aging. The major challenge has been how to keep these clusters stable after the energy has been removed. Unfortunately, as soon as the energy fields are removed, water will immediately regroup into larger clusters.

H2Ultra has a revolutionary patented approach to this problem. We have a means for water to store the energy applied to it. This energy remains in the water once it is bottled, and more importantly, when it is consumed. By realizing this, we can control the water molecule cluster size and thus the waters hydrating ability. Double blind clinical studies show that H2Ultra micro clustered water vastly improves cellular hydration over regular bottled or distilled water products. This will allow people to actually feel and measure water’s energy, and take control of their bodies hydration needs.

Water and Hydration

Approximately 60% of your body weight is water. The best way to hydrate is to maintain body fluid levels by drinking plenty of fluids. Thirst is not an accurate indicator of how much fluid you have lost. If you wait until you are thirsty to replenish body fluids, then you are already dehydrated or on your way to being not hydrated.

According to Dr. Heinz Valtin, a hydration expert and professor emeritus at Dartmouth Medical School in Hanover, N.H., there is no evidence to support drinking eight glasses of water each day. According to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies, women should consume 91 ounces a day and men need 125 ounces a day – a good deal more than the 64 ounces (eight glasses) generally recommended. Approximately 45 to 50% of daily water intake comes from drinking fluids, with the rest coming mostly from the food one eats.

In the human body, there are two basic types of water (biowater): Bound Water and Clustered Water (specially prepared water which “clusters” six water molecules, held together by shared hydrogen atoms). Clustered Water (key to countless biological functions within the body) is able to move freely through the cell walls and is necessary to transport nutrients, remove waste and maintain proper communication between the cells. Bound Water, on the other hand, is water that becomes physically bound to other molecular structures and is unable to move freely through the cell walls.

When we are young, our bodies contain a high level of Clustered Water and very little Bound Water. However, as we age, bound water becomes more predominant and Clustered Water Levels decrease, hindering the effectiveness of literally thousands of metabolic functions and causing significant structural changes in our body’s tissues.

Clustered Water, developed by Dr. Lee Lorenzen, is highly purified water that has been raised to a high level of electromagnetic power through a patented process (US Patent #’s 5,711,950 and 6,033,678). Beginning with extremely pure distilled water and while it is exposed to special ceramics, it is treated with lasers and extremely strong magnetic fields to create water “clusters.” Most water is in organizations or clumps of 60 or more water molecules (H2O). Processing organizes the water molecules into clusters that are very mobile, therefore entering the cell system very rapidly and replenishing inter-cellular water.

In 1984, Dr Lorenzen's family was challenged with the illness of his wife, Penny. It was this challenge that became the genesis of clustered water theory, and since that time, hundreds of thousands of people throughout the world have benefited from this technology.

By controlling the size of H2O clusters we can affect the amount of absorption into the bodies’ cells. As we apply energy to water, the large water cluster groups reduce themselves into smaller groups. Thus by introducing energy to water in a controlled environment we can make it more hydrating.

Dr. Lee Lorenzen’s breakthrough allows H2 Ultra to actually help maintain clustered water levels in the body and thus protect the cellular integrity we had when we were young. Clustered Water truly assists the body’s natural processes in counteracting the cellular malfunctions that many health practitioners and researchers believe are responsible for degenerative health. Clustered Water is used in over 30 clinics in Japan. Ten books have been published in Japan documenting the incredible results of Clustered Water.


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