Friday, February 17, 2006

Viking Laws

On a trip to the Land of the Vikings, I purchased a card with the following Viking Laws and feel it conveys some very good messages to live by.

Be Brave and Aggressive

* Be Direct
* Grab all opportunities
* Use varying methods of attack
* Be versatile and agile
* Attack one target at a time
* Don’t plan everything in detail
* Use top quality weapons

Be Prepared

* Keep weapons in good conditions
* Keep in shape
* Find good battle comrades
* Agree on important points
* Choose one chief

Be A Good Merchant

* Find out what the market needs
* Don’t promise what you can’t keep
* Don’t demand overpayment
* Arrange things so that you can return

Keep The Camp In Order

* Keep things tidy and organized
* Arrange enjoyable activities which strengthen the group
* Make sure everybody does useful work
* Consult all members of the group for advice


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